Fee Information

We set fees according to the uniqueness of the opportunity you and your client provide.

Payment of the Mediation Fee is due within ten (10) days of the confirmation of the Mediation Fee, but not later than the commencement of the mediation session.

As of January 1, 2024, the fee for a full day mediation session via Zoom is $2,000.00 per party. By agreement of the parties, this fee may be tailored to the specific issues in the case. Full days begin at 9:00 or 9:30am.

The fee for a half day mediation session via Zoom is $900 per party for commercial cases and $800 per party for residential or smaller amounts in dispute. Half days begin at either 9:00am or 1:00pm. When parties request multiple cases/claims in a half or full day mediation, the fee will be based on the projected work required, but generally will not be less than $500 per party, per case. While there is some “economy of scale” for the attorneys, the mediators at Thamm & O'Briant will continue to give each claim/case as much preparation time as needed, and following mediation, will prepare a full Mediation Settlement Agreement or Proposal for EACH case/claim.

Additional time after mediation, not including MSAs, Proposals, and short follow-up emails to resolve the case, will be billed at $350 per hour, split between the parties. The mediator will advise the parties before charging any additional time.



Cancellations happen. However, each day that is reserved for you reduces our flexibility in accommodating the busy schedules of other trial lawyers, clients, and courts. Rescheduling and cancellation result in inconvenience to counsel and clients, inactive days for the mediator and increased costs.

We will not charge a rescheduling fee if the case is rescheduled for reasons which would normally delay a trial. However, this does not include a cancellation for "additional discovery or unavailability of a client or attorney." In the event a case is reset for the convenience of a party, or a party decides to cancel an agreed mediation, within 3 days of the scheduled mediation, the party cancelling will be charged 50% of the mediation fee. In the event that more than one party is requesting a cancellation, the fee will be 50% of the total mediation fee. If the case settles within 48 hours of mediation, the parties are expected to cover 50% of the mediation fee.